This site is home to David Champlin — an artist, visual designer and web developer currently located in Columbia, Missouri. With over 6 years experience in the graphic design and web industry, he currently works as Graphic Designer for the University of Missouri.

Portfolio - Project Examples & Work Samples

Bill Murray Painting

Painting in acrylic. I really love this medium. When I find time to use my classical skills on a project I'm all for it.

Bill Murray Painting

Cow Skull Study

My first love in my art career has been pencil drawing. The medium used was graphite pencil, just like the kind you would use for grade school.

This drawing took a total of 40-50 working hours to complete. I find free hand-drawing to be liberating and a great base for my digital art. I know many Graphic Designers that find drafting skills to be unnecessary but I disagree.

Cow Skull Study

Portrait Study of a Model

I think this is a great example of my drawing skills in realistic representation.

Portrait Study

© 2011 David Champlin

All images used in this site are original and created by the site owner, David Champlin.
Any further use of these images is prohibited without permission from David Champlin.

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